

Name: Red

Type: Android, Gynoid, Droid

Date of Birth: 2019

Creator: BL/ind (Better Living Industries)

Function: Porno Droid

Comic Series: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys

Red is a porno droid; a robotic prostitute that looks and behaves like a normal human female, only with a distinguishing, unnatural hair color: red. These hair colors vary for porno droids from red to green and correlate to what their special ability or service is, along with their personality: fiery, soothing, etc. They were created by BL/ind, and cater to those only with sufficient funds.

Porno droids sometimes use the android stimulant Plus. Created and released by the pharmaceutical department of BLI, this stimulant is used to give extra life to the android’s battery. Plus must be used with caution, however, as androids can overdose on them, making them obsolete and unrecyclable due to excessive internal and external damage. Though the price of this stimulant rises, the strength of the product itself weakens. It is only kept on the market due to its large revenue.

Instead of using Plus, the androids can apply for new batteries at the Social Services center of the Lobby in Battery City, but often times, applications are denied. Porno droids such as Red live in poverty, so if they get sick due to their batteries not being able to hold a charge, being denied a new battery puts them in a very detrimental position, especially if they are an outdated model. BLI, which runs Battery City, can easily render these outdated models obsolete, wiping their existence from the city and finding another purpose for them as a satellite used for keeping a watchful, protective eye over their citizens.

Work Cited

Way, Gerard, Shaun Simon, and Becky Cloonan. The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. Vol.

  1. p.: Dark Horse Comics, 2014. Print.

Further Reading:

Sex with robots may happen sooner than you think:

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