

Name(s): HRP-4c, Miim
Type(s): Gynoid, computational, non-fiction
Creator: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Function: Entertainment, human simulator
DOB: Made its first appearance March 16th, 2009
POB: Japan
Software: Open Robotics Platform (OpenRTP), including OpenRTM-aist and OpenHRP3


HRP-4C, or Miim, is designed to not only entertain viewers to show the leaps and bounds scientific technology has gone in regards to androids, but also it is designed to display the emulation of human action and behavior into a machine. Standing five feet, two inches, weighing ninety-five pounds, Miim’s physique resembles that of a young girl. She has artificial skin and hair, with the facial details of an actual person, but the rest of her body is a metallic grey and black (except for her hands, which are also covered in artificial skin). HRP-4C has thirty body motors, allowing her to move like a human and another eight that allow her to replicate certain facial expressions. Miim is designed with the capabilities to actively respond to speech and recognize ambient sounds. Miim is also able to sing and execute dance steps, connecting to the art forms of humans, making her seem more humanistic.

Developers have worked on her ability to walk to fluidly mimic a human’s movement and not look clunky or awkward while moving. Miim’s physical makeup allows her to blend in with humans, as she has done via cosplaying, if her metallic parts are covered, but because of those metallic parts, she is still designed to be seen as an android and not as a human. HRP4C’s body is distinguishable from other robots and androids because of the (relative) fluidity that she performs the actions she is programmed or asked to do.

Works Cited:

“HRP-4C.” HRP-4C Female Robot Has a New Walk (w/ Video). N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <;.

“HRP-4C.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 12 July 2014. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <;.

Further reading:


More on the research and development of HRP-4C:

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